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TravelCamp @BarCamp ASEAN 2017: Promoting cross-cultural understanding through tourism


BarCamp ASEAN 2017 is an unconference organized in Phnom Penh Capital City on 20-22 October 2017. 

Our speaker, Preetam Rai, will be speaking in a session on "promoting cross-cultural understanding through tourism".

Is traveling expensive? Is traveling experience overrated? Can travel actually teach us new ideas? Join us for Travelcamp session within the Barcamp where we will discuss these questions and also share travel stories and travel hacks such as how to travel to another country for cheap, the art of traveling with just one small bag, how to make friends and how to network with people in the same industry as us. We will also talk about promoting cultural understanding through the promotion of tourism among neighbouring countries.

Our Speaker:

Preetam Rai is an Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) currently running multiple peer learning projects across Asia. Preetam lives between South East Asia and Japan, and helps organisations better understand their audiences via insights into emerging technology and cultural trends.

Preetam Rai speaks at #Travel Camp, a session on promoting cultural understanding and tolerance through tourism.

Preetam Rai speaks at #Travel Camp, a session on promoting cultural understanding and tolerance through tourism.