Filtering by: Political Science

NerdNight: Hindu iconography in Cambodian polity
7:30 PM19:30

NerdNight: Hindu iconography in Cambodian polity

Hindu iconography and symbolism have maintained a ubiquitous presence in Cambodia polity and society for over two millennia. Many aspects of Brahaminist culture and ritual are still followed by Cambodians, and Hindu deities worshipped, alongside Buddhism. Many aspects of Cambodian political culture also demonstrate strong Hindu influences and heritage. Our executive director, Anirudh S. Bhati, will talk about these influences at Nerd Night on Monday, 15 January 2018. 

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Classical Liberalism Informing Policy #CLIP: Development Realities of Contemporary Cambodia
10:00 AM10:00

Classical Liberalism Informing Policy #CLIP: Development Realities of Contemporary Cambodia

  • Royal University of Law and Economics (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are organizing the first of the two half-day events to read and review Professor Christopher Coyne's path-breaking text "Doing Bad by Doing Good" which questions many of the core assumptions of the aid industry and sheds new light on the development realities of contemporary Cambodia.

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